Advanced Machining & Tooling, Poway, CA
AMT specializes in creating unique or difficult to fabricate components by coupling the efficiency of CNC Machining, Turning and Waterjet Machining with the inherent high precision of CNC Wire & Ram EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining). With over 20 years in business, we have manufactured production quantities of fabricated assemblies and complex precision parts for all industries. Tolerances of +/- .0001" (.0025 mm) are achieved by many of our skilled associates operating in our climate-controlled 31,500 sq. ft. facility. We have fabricated many precision, complex machined parts that other facilities have claimed “can’t be made!”. AMT is certified to ISO 9001 and AS 9100 and a small business. AMT is ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) registered with the United States Department of Commerce and is approved to review ITAR classified drawings and documents. AMT is listed in the CCR (Central Contractor Registration) database which provides AMT specific company information and allows other organizations to efficiently do business. Our talented staff regularly take on challenges to apply our innovation and automation concepts to fabricate highly accurate, precision components from round bar, flat, square & sheet stock, castings and forgings.
Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), Wire EDM, Small Hole EDM, Ram EDM, CNC Milling, CNC Turning, Full Tool Room and Waterjet Machining
CNC Milling. At AMT, we marry the cost effective traditional CNC machining & waterjet operations with the EDM process approach to save time or material. This allows critical final part shapes to be fabricated by EDM or waterjet after heat treatment and results in a superior product with less internal stress Utilizing Okuma 5 Axis milling machine and our 3 Mori Seiki Machining Centers, precision machined parts can be machined to tolerances of +/-.0001" on our calibrated, extremely precise machines. Our newest Okuma is equipped with a 48 station tool changer and performs fully integrated five axis machining simultaneously. All of our machines are capable of machining very tough materials very efficiently. Complicated four and five axis machining is accomplished by our skilled cadre of personnel. All of our equipment is operated in a temperature controlled environment to assure higher precision. Our new Okuma are in addition to three Mori Seiki's and three Kiras that we continue to operate bringing our total capacity to seven VMC's.
CNC Milling capabilities:
Maximum Cutting Area: 40" x 20" x 20" tall
Maximum Weight: 3500 lbs.
5-Axis Simultaneous Machining
4-Axis Simultaneous Machining
4-Axis Indexed machining
CNC Turning. Turning. Our newest CNC Lathes are both Okumas. The Captain L470 1250C adds a new dimension in cutting size for us at ATM. Utilizing our 15” chuck or on a face plate, we can turn a 26” diameter titanium part. The 30 HP motor and extended travel, can support a 50” long part. Our Okuma LT10 features state- of-the-art dual spindles, dual turret design and incorporates a magazine bar feed. This machine allows a complete part piece to be manufactured in one cycle. This eliminates handling and saves the handling and reloading time - saving you money! Additional capacity is provided by our other three Okuma CNC Lathes and our Miyano twin spindle lathe, utilizing live tooling. Very tight tolerance parts are manufactured in production quantities. We regularly turn Inconel, titanium, stainless steel and exotic materials on these precision machines.
CNC Turning capabilities:
Maximum diameter: 34”
Maximum length: 50”
EDM Capabilities. We have an operational base of 14 various state of the art EDM machines. Our latest Mitsubishi technology machine produces the finest finish at the least amount of time and at the least expensive cost. We evaluate each of our manufacturing requirements to determine the appropriate method of manufacturing. In many instances, traditional CNC Machining or turning will not result in the required precision mandated on the blueprint. When this occurs, we have the option to use the more precise EDM approach to comply to print requirements. When a heat treated part requires a precise hole on location, we usually opt for EDM. When the deburring process will take as long as the original operations, we use the burr free EDM approach or the Waterjet approach and save time and money!
CNC Waterjet Machining Capabilities. Our CNC Waterjet machine is the Omax 2626XP. Omax is the leading producer of waterjet machines delivered worldwide. The Omax 2626XP is the highest technology and most accurate waterjet machine ever produced. Greater accuracy is achieved through an enhanced thermal system and a premium linear positioning system. Precise, straight edge cutting is achieved through the patented Tilt-a-Jet option that eliminates the nasty taper angle created by all other waterjet machines. The straight cut edges allow many new fabrication options for cost effectively producing machined components. We regularly waterjet Inconel, Kovar, titanium, stainless steel and exotic materials on this precision machine. Components as large as 40” x 29” x 8” thick can be machined with precision.
Equipment Listing.
CNC Equipment
CNC Wire EDM Machines - Mitsubishi
RAM/Cavity EDM Machines - Mitsubishi
CNC Small Hole EDM Equipment - Current EDM
CNC Machining Equipment – Okuma, Mori Seiki & Kira
CNC Turning Equipment – Okuma, Miyano
Waterjet Equipment - Omax
Conventional Equipment
Conventional Grinding Equipment
Conventional Turning Equipment
Conventional Milling Equipment
Conventional Jig Bore Equipment
Computer Equipment
Inspection/ Quality Assurance Equipment - ISO 9001 Certified – Mitutoyo, Brown & Sharp
Advanced Machining and Tooling 13535 Danielson Street Poway, CA 92064
Phone: (858) 486-9050 Email: